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British Canoeing Sprint Racing National Regatta

9-10 April 2022

Although we had a relatively small team, every member gave a fantastic performance, with many A and B finals reached, and some really great wins. And we were blessed with some lovely spring weather.
The team included Steve (our only adult!) & Theo Bush, Charlie Allen, Mollie & Daisie Ball, Will Scaplehorn, Dylan Martin, Phillipe Ehrnrooth & Arthur Hunter-Hopkins.

Highlights included Mollie winning the U16 girls K1 500 and 1000, and coming 2nd in the 200, and Arthur teaming up with a Scottish lad to win the U14 boys K2 500 & 1000.

Full Team Results

  • Steve Bush

    K1 Men D + Masters C/D 200 – 4th

    K1 Men D + Masters C/D 500 – 6th

  • Charlie Allen

    U18 K1 1000, 7th in Heat
    U18 K1 500, 7th in Heat

  • Mollie Ball

    U16 K2 500, 3rd
    U16 K1 200, 6th
    U16 K1 500, 7th

  • Will Scaplehorn

    U16 K1 200, 5th in heat
    U16 K1 500, 7th in heat
    U16 K1 1000, 5th in heat
    U16/18 K2 500, 6th in heat
    U16/18 K2 1000, 3rd Final 2

  • Daisy Ball

    U14 K4 500, 2nd
    U14 K2 500, 3rd
    U14 K2 1000, 4th

  • Dylan Martin

    U14 K2, 500, 3rd
    U14 K2, 1000, 3rd
    U14 K1 200, 7th Final
    U14 K1 500, 8th Final

  • Phillipe Ehrnrooth

    U16 K1 200, 3rd Final 3
    U16 K1 500, 9th Final 1
    U16 K1 1000, 9th Final 2
    U16/18 K2 500, 6th in heat
    U16/18 K2 1000, 3rd Final 2

  • Arthur Hunter-Hopkins

    U14 K2 500, 1st
    U14 K2 1000, 1st
    U14 K1 200, 6th Final
    U14 K1 500, 5th Final

  • Theo Bush

    K1 Lightening A 200 – 8th
    K2 Lightening A 500 – 4th
    K4 Lightening A 500 – 2nd

The start of the 5000m race

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