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2024 Paddle UK National Sprint Regatta

Saturday 6 – Sunday 7 July 2024

Honey Street Canal

Devizes Juniors National Titles Galore!

We only had 4 juniors and 1 senior at the national regatta, but we excelled in taking medals. Our junior coaching team are obviously exceptional!

Max Poole wins the gold medal for the Boys U14 K1 200m

Max Poole wins

gold medal for the Boys U14 K1 200m

Mollie Ball wins gold Girls U18 K2 500m

Mollie Ball wins

gold Girls U18 K2 500m
(with partner Annabel)

Philippe wins Rhodes Trophy U18 K1 500m

Philippe wins

the Rhodes Trophy U18 K1 500m

Max Poole wins gold Boys U14 K2 500m F

Max Poole wins gold

Boys U14 K2 500m F
(with partner M Pyrz)

Mollie & Philippe bronze Mixed U18 K2 500m

Mollie & Philippe

bronze Mixed U18 K2 500m

Arthur silver

U16 K4 500m with the Richmond crew

Mollie & Philippe

Mollie & Philippe

Devizes mixed K2
the only same club duo to place!

Max Poole competed in 5 events and won 5 medals!

Max Poole SuperMedalist!

competed in 5 events and won 5 medals

Philippe wins

the Barry Murray Trophy U18 K1 1000m

Max's medal hoard

Max’s hoard

  • Max

    Boys U14 K1 200m F – gold
    Boys U14 K1 500m F – bronze
    Boys U14 K2 1000m F – silver w M Pyrz GLW
    Boys U14 K2 500m F – gold w M Pyrz GLW
    Boys U14 K4 500m F – gold

  • Arthur

    Boys U16 K4 500m F – silver medal
    Boys U16 K1 1000m F1 – 9th
    Boys U16 K1 500m F2 – 2nd
    Boys U16 K2 500m F – 6th

  • Mollie

    Girls U18 K2 500m F – gold w Annabel RDG
    Mixed U18 K2 500m F – bronze w Philippe
    Girls U18 K1 1000m F – 4th

  • Philippe

    Rhodes Trophy : K1 500m
    Barry Murray Trophy : K1 1000m

    Boys U18 K2 500m F – 5th with Alex Worgan (RIC) but fastest U17 crew

  • Alex Sheppy

    Men Senior K1 200m F – 4th

Our paddlers in action